Python Consulting for SaaS Businesses

Recent Articles

I write about Web Development with Python, JavaScript, and PostgreSQL.

How to Validate your Page Titles and Descriptions for SEO

Learn how to use JavaScript to programmatically check the meta information of all pages listed in your sitemap.xml to potentially rank better on Google.

By Christoph Schiessl on JavaScript

Extracting all URLs of your sitemap.xml with JavaScript

Learn JavaScript techniques needed to parse your sitemap.xml in order to obtain a list of all pages making up your website.

By Christoph Schiessl on JavaScript

Date/Time Formatting According to RFC 5322

Learn about the custom date/time formatting rules defined in legacy standards like RFC 5322 and how to work with them using Python's datetime module.

By Christoph Schiessl on Python

How to Format all JSON Files in a Git Repository

Do you struggle with inconsistent JSON formatting across your Git repository? Learn how to reformat everything using Python with this step-by-step guide.

By Christoph Schiessl on DevOps, Git, and Python

HTTP Caching with ETag and If-None-Match Headers

Learn how to use ETag and If-None-Match headers to limit your web application's resource consumption by preventing data retransfers.

By Christoph Schiessl on Python and FastAPI

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